Study of potato & mustard value chain in Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ, India
Project Under Domains: Nature-based Solutions; Sub Domains: Inclusive market systems
GIZ along with its partners Symrise AG and Mars has been working with the mint farmers in Barabanki district of Uttar Pradesh to bring sustainability into the whole mint production system. The target of this alliance is to reach 25000+ farmers by mobilising them into Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO) and providing them with the necessary support to transform the current value chain into a more sustainable one. With this thought in mind, GIZ partnered Ecociate to help them in identifying the relationship between the other crop production systems and mint. Mustard and Potato are among the major Rabi crops cultivated by the mint farmers.
Ecociate is conducting the value chain assessment study with the following objectives-
* To understand the value creation at different stages of potato and mustard value chain, profitability, and income generation for different actors.
* To understand the key elements/ determinants of income distribution and potential risks involved at different level of both value chain.
Approach and Methodology
The study was conducted in Barabanki and Lucknow districts of Uttar Pradesh. Ecociate conducted a qualitative research methodology based on extensive secondary research, stakeholder consultations and physical interactions with various actors involved in production, processing and marketing of Potato and Mustard. Amongst the 5 selected cluster (4 clusters in Barabanki and 1 cluster in Lucknow) 10 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were carried out, two in each cluster.
Furthermore, Small Group Discussions (SGDs) were convened with the Boards of Directors (BoDs) from the three promoted Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) situated in Barabanki. The research also included In-Depth Interviews (IDIs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) involving key stakeholders across the value chain, including government officials, research institutions, private service providers, and more.
The study captured the existing and potential livelihood profile of the landscape and suggested the value chains that can be strengthened for the economic betterment of the local communities. The VC analysis also helped in identifying the potential entry points in the commodity value chains and the viable business activities that can be taken up by Producer Enterprises.